Big News

I’m pleased (understatement as a rhetorical device) to announce that my first collection of short stories will be published by Trepidatio, and imprint of JournalStone Publishing, in April of next year.

The Cuckoo Girls will include sixteen stories, half original to this collection.

Trepidatio has published not only some of my favorite writers, but also some of my favorite books of the past few years. Not only that, they produce beautiful books. Just look at a few of their pretties:

Pictured above:
Kate Jonez’s Lady Bits, S.P. Miskowski‘s Strange is the Night, Gemma Files’s Spectral Evidence, Gwendolyn Kitse’s The Rust Maidens, and Sarah Read’s Out of Water (coming in November). all beautiful covers for wonderful books.

Can you blame me for being excited?