Speaking of Little Bitty Bad Things…

Black Widow and Super Dragon Ninja Warrior. Do not mess with them.
Black Widow and Super Dragon Ninja Warrior. Do not mess with them.

Despite the number of ninjas roaming the streets on October 31st, I was incredibly pleased when Thing One and Thing Two, aka the grand-nieces, decided to go with Black Widow and Super-Dragon-Ninja-Warrior rather than Elsa and/or Anna. (And not just because I blame the arctic Halloween weather on the number of Frozen Princesses.)

Thing One and Thing Two are sisters, but they are very different people. Thing One wants to be a princess, but not because she needs rescuing or craves pampering. Okay, maybe a little bit on the pampering. She wants to be in charge. She wants minions. Princess is her first step in ruling the world, and I suspect, on her journey to Empress of the Universe. As a bonus, when you’re a princess, you get to wear pretty dresses AND be in charge.

Thing Two, on the other hand, wants to grow up to be an Avenger. At two-years old, she announced that Astro-Boy was her boyfriend, and they would marry as soon as they were old enough. She’s fickle and soon moved on to her beloved Hulky. I’m not sure who her current Super-Crush is, but she plans on more than marrying her hero. Those Wife in Training t-shirts? She scoffs. No basking in reflected glory for this one. She plans on kicking butt along side her Super Significant Other, and if SSO needs rescuing? She’s just the one to do it.

I often marvel at the technology these two take for granted. Video calls are not the things of the future, but an everyday part of their lives. They score a goal in soccer, get on FaceTime, and not only tell the extended family about it but demonstrate exactly how they did it. Happiness ensues on both sides of the connection. But, as much as I love techie tools and toys, there is something even better for me to marvel at and them to take for granted.

Notice Thing Two’s pink? She is not a girl pretending to be a boy warrior. She is a girl-ninja, and if you need taking down (or out), she’s ready. Black Widow not only has better skills than Liam Neeson, Thing One got to dye her hair for the very first time. Although they may someday decide to choose between sparkly nail polish and their badass selves, they don’t have to make that choice if they don’t want to. If they want both, they’ve got it.

And next Halloween, who knows—they may choose to go the princess route. (Last year, they were Merida and Cowgirl Jessie.)

So, HOORAY for kick-ass little girls. May you live long and prosper.

You’ll one day save the world. Or rule it.

Or both.

And, you get to be just as girly—or not—as you want while doing it.